• The standard Auckland District Law Society Sale & Purchase Agreement template is used. This will be familiar to your solicitor. It contains all of the normal information including proposed covenants and design controls (more on these below). It is available on our website.

  • Yes. A 10% deposit is required to confirm your purchase. This will be held securely in a Solicitor’s Trust Account until settlement. The balance is due for payment 10 days after title for your new section issues.

  • We anticipate that title for your section will issue in spring 2025. You can start your build immediately.

  • Yes. The Dunedin City Council has issued resource consent for subdivision and associated earthworks to build the development. This is available on our website.

  • Yes, there will be. These are quite common in new developments. Covenants are intended to protect everyone’s investment and experience of living at Flagstaff. We think it is important to be up front about these and they are included in the Sale & Purchase Agreement.

  • Yes. All homes at Flagstaff are subject to Design Guidelines and a straightforward design approval process. The Design Guidelines cover aspects such as setbacks from boundaries, maximum heights, fencing, building colours and materials. Design Controls ensure a quality built environment and protect everyone’s investment. Again, we are up front about these and the full Design Guidelines are included in the Sale & Purchase Agreement.

  • Yes. The minimum house size is 90m2.

  • Yes – on certain sites. Most sites are one level only in order to ensure everyone retains their amazing views over the city.

  • No. Relocatable or second hand houses are not permitted.

  • Only sections nominated as duplexes can be further subdivided and only once two dwellings are built on them. This is to protect the final form of the subdivision and so everyone knows what they can expect around them.

  • Yes, subject to meeting the Ministry for the Environment Guidelines.

  • No. But once you do start your house, we do ask that it is completed within 12 months, with landscaping to be completed 6 months after you move in.

  • A handful of lots adjacent to the public reserve have a 5m no build area. This is to ensure that homes on these lots are sensitively located and the open nature of the reserve and surrounds are maintained for everyone’s enjoyment.

  • Yes. Fences between neighbours can be up to 1.8m high. Front fences to the street can be up to 1m high. These are suitable for keeping pets and children contained, but allow the open nature of the streetscapes to be maintained.

  • Sections will be provided with power, water, sewage and telecommunications (fibre) to the boundary.

  • Sleepouts and other accessory buildings are fine. But only one main residence per site is permitted so everyone knows exactly what they can expect on the site next to them.

  • Yes. We have no problem with this at all. We hope that you buy another one though!

This information is intended as a general guide. We recommend that you take your own independent legal advice on all matters associated with purchase