Sitting proudly on the slopes above the city, this special landscape is deserving of protection, as is your investment in your Flagstaff property. You need the confidence that both the developer and your neighbours share the vision of a high-quality residential development, while also protecting the Flagstaff community’s natural setting and views.

Design Control Approval is required prior to obtaining Dunedin City Council (‘DCC’) building consent so please take the time to read these Guidelines and ensure that your designer and builder are also familiar with them.



  • Road boundaries – 4.5m (note corner lots 25, 27, 32 & 36 may have one road setback of 3m).

  • Internal boundaries – 2.0m.

  • Reserve, Walkway & Access Lot boundaries – 2.0m.

  • Rear sites which do not front a road are to have two setbacks of 4.5m and all remaining setbacks of 2.0m.

  • Garages and carports must be setback at least level with the front façade (i.e. the façade facing the road and access lot boundary) of the building.

  • Nominated duplex sites where dwellings are anticipated as sharing a common wall are exempt from the internal boundary setback requirements.


  • Building height is limited single storey homes of no more than 5.5m, except on identified Lots where two storey homes with a maximum height of up to 8.0m are specifically provided for.

  • In addition, no part of any building shall protrude through a recession line inclined toward the site at an angle of 45 degrees and commencing at 2.5m above ground level at any given point on the site boundary.


  • No building wall parallel to a site boundary may be more than 20m in length.

  • For the purposes of this rule, any modulation of less than 1m in depth will be considered a continuous length.


  • The maximum building coverage for all activities on any site shall be 40%.


  • Car parking is to be provided on each site for at least two cars (one car park must be provided for in a garage / carport).

  • Carparking and driveways should occupy no more than 40% of the street frontage.


  • Only one dwelling is permitted for each Lot, being a single unit dwelling having a closed in floor area of not less than 90m² (inclusive of carport or garage but excluding verandas, decks and patios).

  • The exception to this requirement is where duplex lots, capable of containing two dwellings and of being further subdivided are identified by the developer.

  • In this case, two dwellings sharing a common wall may be erected on the lot.

- The lot may then be further subdivided.

- The lot may not be subdivided prior to the dwellings being complete.

- The design controls as noted in this document shall otherwise generally apply.

  • No second hand, transportable or relocatable homes are permitted.


  • Primary roofs are to be simple gables. The primary roof pitch must be between 20° and 40°.

  • Mono-pitch roof forms and hips and valley roof forms will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Acceptance is at the discretion of the Developer. The architectural designs must be of a higher-than-average standard and demonstrate how it is appropriate to the landform and or visual impact on the wider area.

  • All roof cladding shall be in the following only:

- Metal Roofing (limited to tray, 5 rib, solar rib, Hi 5 & corrugate)

- All roofing details (spouting, downpipes and flashings) are to match the roof or wall colour


All dominant exterior wall cladding shall be in the following only:

  • Horizontal or vertical weatherboards (limited to cedar, other natural timber or linea)

  • Board and batten

  • Schist

  • Plaster

  • Vertical metal tray profile wall cladding or 5 rib to match the roof cladding (not corrugate or other ribbed material)

  • Brick, provided it is bagged, rendered or similarly treated and used as a feature rather than the main cladding material.


  • Front doors should be visible from the street.

  • Building orientation should be to maximise solar gain with habitable rooms on northern aspect and garages on the southern where practicable.

  • Buildings should generally be oriented toward the street and public spaces, with habitable rooms overlooking these areas where practicable.

  • Multi-fuel burners (including coal burners) or open fires are not permitted.

  • Wood burners must meet the Ministry for the Environment guidelines of an emission rate less than 1.5 g/kg and a thermal efficiency of at least 65%.

  • All exterior wall and roof claddings, window and door joinery, and other external architectural features shall be generally recessive colours and shall have a maximum reflectivity of 36% (save that sheet metal roofing and chimney colours shall have a maximum reflectivity of 25%)


The Landscaping to your Lot frontage will help preserve the neighbourhood amenity of the high-quality Flagstaff development. The objectives is to create a green landscaped frontage to each Lot and protect the quality of views, streetscapes and reserves.

All design review applications must include a landscaping plan which adheres to the landscaping controls set out in these guidelines. All landscaping must be constructed in accordance with the approved plan.


  • Timber paling or coloursteel fencing to a maximum finished height of 1.8m is to be erected on each common boundary to a residential Lot.

  • All timber paling / coloursteel fencing shall be in generally recessive colours. Timber fencing to be stained / painted, and coloursteel fencing shall have a maximum reflectivity of 25%.

  • The 1.8m fence is not to extend past the façade of the dwelling towards any road, access Lot, walkway or reserve.

  • No paling or coloursteel fencing is permitted on any road, access Lot, walkway or reserve boundary.

  • Post & wire or post & rail fencing to a maximum finished height of 1m high is permitted where paling fencing is not.

  • All common boundaries with a road, access Lot, reserve or residential Lot where paling or coloursteel fence is not permitted may be planted with a hedge.


  • All driveways shall have either a concrete finish or an asphalt finish.

  • No driveway shall have a width greater than 6m or less than 3m where it meets the carriageway of the road or access Lot.


  • Rubbish bins, washing lines, grey water tanks, heat pump compressors and other utilities shall be screened with planting or a timber screen from roads, access lots, walkways and reserves.

  • All landscape lighting shall be downlighting with a hidden light source.


  • Owners (or their agent) shall submit their full house and landscape plans to the developer at

  • The developer will consider the submission and respond in writing within 10 working days.

  • The Owner (or agent) may only apply for and proceed with any building consent from DCC after written approval is obtained from the developer.

  • Owners shall not undertake any construction on any Lot unless the Developer has issued a Design Approval for that Lot.

  • The fee for submitting an Approved Building Plan Submission Form to the developer shall be $575 (incl. GST).


  • A fully refundable construction bond of $2,500 (no GST) is required to be paid before design approval can be issued by the developer.

  • The bond will be held by the developer and will become repayable when:

- All building and landscaping works are fully complete as per the approved plans.

- Any damage to surrounding areas (public or private) that have occurred through building activities have been fully repaired or reinstated to the satisfaction of the developer.

- This includes the reinstatement, repair or replacement of any grass verge that adjoins your Lot, adjacent footpaths and any landscaping of public areas (including street trees) that may have been damaged. This is the Lot owners responsibility.

  • The Owner shall contact the developer when they have obtained the necessary DCC Code of Compliance Certificates for the dwelling. The Owner shall then allow the developer reasonable access to inspect the building and landscaping works against the approved plans, and return the bond.


  • Once construction has commenced, the exterior of all buildings must be completed within 12 months of the date of commencement.

  • Landscaping and fencing must be completed within six months of the date of occupation of the dwelling.

  • No Non-approved buildings or structures (including shipping containers) are permitted on any Lot outside of the permitted construction period.



The developer may, in its discretion whilst having regard to the unique circumstances of each Flagstaff Lot, waive or vary any of the processes or requirements of these Guidelines provided it is satisfied that any such waiver or variation is consistent with the developer’s vision for its Flagstaff development.

  • The owner acknowledges that buildings on a Lot require consents from the DCC that are separate to the design approval process set out in these Guidelines. The owner is responsible for obtaining all necessary consents from the DCC. The developer gives no warranty or representation that any building plans approved by the developer under these Guidelines comply with the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code or any requirements of the DCC under its district plan or otherwise.

  • The developer shall not be liable to any Owner or any other person for any loss, damage, claim or expenses (including where such loss, damage, claim or expense arises from the approval or non-approval of an application under these Guidelines, any failure to meet the timeframes stated in these Guidelines or performing any function under or in relation to these Guidelines).

  • The developer may in its sole discretion amend or add to these Guidelines from time to time without notice.

  • The developer will use reasonable endeavours to make the most recent version of these Guidelines available via its website.

  • Any fees payable by an Owner under these Guidelines are subject to change at any time and without notice, but in any event shall represent the reasonable cost to the developer in connection with the Design Approval process.